Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW) has today welcomed positive results from its annual NHS Staff Survey.
The results showed that for a fifth year in a row staff would recommend the Trust as a good place to work and would also be happy with the standard of care if a friend or relative needed treatment.
The survey also put CNTW as the best performing Trust for both equality, diversity and inclusion and safe environment – bullying and harassment when compared to comparator mental health and disability Trusts.
The survey, which is undertaken by all NHS Trusts in England looks at what life is like for staff working in the NHS. The survey focuses on 11 themes which includes equality, diversity and inclusion, health and wellbeing, a safe environment, team working and staff engagement.
Highlights of the survey also showed that:
• We have a strong reporting culture
• Our organisation takes positive action on health and wellbeing
• Staff have adequate materials, supplies and equipment to do their work
• Quality of appraisals are improving year on year
Our talented, passionate and dedicated workforce are our greatest asset. Every day they deliver a diverse range of outstanding local, regional and national services so I’m delighted that our results have shown that staff would recommend our organisation as a great place to work.
Lynne ShawActing Executive Director of Workforce and OD
The results also provide assurance that we are working towards the Trust’s strategic ambition of being regarded as a great place to work.
Lynne adds: “When thinking about the emotive subject of the care and treatment of our loved ones, it’s reassuring that our staff have told us that they would be happy with our services should their families or friends need treatment.”
As well as positive results, the survey also highlights where improvements can be made and an action plan will now be developed, in conjunction with staff networks and trade union colleagues, to consider actions which will continue to work towards our aspirations of the Trust being a great place to work.
We will continue to engage our staff, involve them in our decision making, listen to their ideas, empower them to influence and make changes at a local level and do all we can to create high levels of job satisfaction and motivation.