A North East NHS Director is recognised for a lifetime achievement award.
Malcolm Aiston, Managing Director for NTW Solutions who provide services to Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (NTW), a provider of mental health and disability services was honoured with a bronze award at the Skills for Health #Our Health Heroes awards for his valuable and substantial service to the NHS.
The Lifetime Achievement Award #NHS70 is awarded to an individual that over the course of their career can demonstrate their achievement within healthcare. The awards now in their third year, recognise all our healthcare heroes.
It is a great honour to be recognised at the awards. So many marvellous people spend their whole career in the NHS doing great things, so to be put forward by work colleagues was quite humbling.
In my time with the NHS, one of my passions has been the NHS Estates apprenticeships training scheme, for 15 years I’ve been a member and Chair of the Northern and Yorkshire NHS Apprentice Scheme Committee and it’s great to see so many young people start their journey with the NHS
Malcolm AistonManaging Director
Malcolm started in the NHS in 1978 as an apprentice electrician and progressed through estates posts until he became the professional lead for estates and facilities services in NTW, in 2017 he became Managing Director for NTW Solutions.
In his 40 years with the NHS, Malcolm has never stood still. He is regarded as a role model and is always looking forward, adapting to new challenges and circumstances. He puts his heart and soul into making sure that a job worth doing, is worth doing to world leading standards.
He has championed innovative designs to improve patient care resulting in some remarkable improvements in health outcomes.
The awards took place on Friday 23 November at the OXO2 in London.