CNTW2030 – Imagining our future, together
It’s been a time like no other. We have all experienced so much in our work and personal lives over the last 18 months and at times it can feel endless. It can feel like we need to keep our heads down and persevere. But this is precisely the time we need to look up and think about what we have experienced, what we have learnt and what we can do to positively re-think and re-imagine our future… to meet the needs of our communities, the people who need us, our colleagues and ourselves.
I’m delighted to announce that we are launching our ‘CNTW2030’ campaign. This is a conversation to enable us to think about what we want to be, and what part we, as CNTW, should play in improving the health of our local communities. We want to create a set of guiding principles and ambitions so that we can work together towards a shared vision of how we want to be by the year 2030.
CNTW2030 is about:
- creating a positive, realistic vision of the future we want to create together
- the things we have in common
- the values we hold and the way we behave
- who we are, who we help, and how we want to be
We know that things are tough right now at work.
We know that there are plans to address our pressures, yet these will take a little while to take effect, and in themselves will not be enough to cope in a rapidly changing world. Let’s think about how we can reach out and work with people and partners to re-think some of the systems and processes that prevent us from giving our best. Let’s not accept this is the way it is, let’s think together about how we can create something better. Let’s work for a future where it’s easier to meet the needs of our communities, and those that need our support in a way that reflects our core NHS values and principles.
By developing a shared vision of our future, we can do what we do best and pull together to make it happen. Having that hope and sense of purpose and enthusiasm for what we can create together may just help to make today feel a little less overwhelming.
So, what core principles, values and ways of working would we hope to see in CNTW by the year 2030? We want to understand this by asking four core questions:
- What matters to you?
- What must we protect?
- How would you like us to work together?
- What would make the biggest difference to you?
We will be putting in place lots of ways to have these discussions and we invite you to talk about this with colleagues, with people around you, with the people you work with from other organisations, and most importantly, with service users and with carers. There will be some forums that we set up to enable these conversations across the organisation, but we are also inviting you to respond to these questions in several ways:
- By visiting the CNTW 2030 webpage
- By attending one of the locality-focussed online stakeholder events*
- By having a discussion in your team meeting (if you lead a team, please consider setting aside 20 minutes to discuss as part of your team meeting – guidance can be found on the webpage)
- By scanning the QR code below

* These events are intended to bring together staff, service users and carers and other organisations with an interest in each locality to think about how we can re-imagine the way we work together. These sessions won’t be restricted so if you are interested please hold one of these dates for now:
Sunderland Tuesday 9 November 1.00pm to 2.30pm
Gateshead Tuesday 9 November 3.30pm to 5.00pm
North Tyneside Monday 15 November 3.30pm to 5.00pm
South Tyneside Tuesday 16 November 1.00pm to 2.30pm
Newcastle Tuesday 16 November 3.30pm to 5.00pm
Northumberland Friday 19 November 11.30am to 1.00pm
North Cumbria Tuesday 23 November 2.00pm to 3.30pm
We really do want to hear from you! Even if you only have a couple of minutes to spare, please let us know your thoughts – you can respond as many times as you wish. We will let you know about what we are hearing and learning over the coming months, as we shape our future direction together.
Thanks for all you have done over the last 18 months. I know it can feel wearing, and difficult, but we can make it better, we can learn, and we can make a better future. Let’s all grab this opportunity to do just that.
James Duncan
Deputy Chief Executive