Electronic forms for use under the Mental Health Act

Forms for use in connection with compulsory admission to hospital, community treatment orders, guardianship and treatment under the Mental Health Act 1983.


Admission to hospital forms for use under the Mental Health Act
Admission forms (A1 to A11) for use in connection with compulsory admission to hospital under the Mental Health Act 1983.

Hospital forms for use under the Mental Health Act
Hospital forms (H1 to H6) for use in connection with individuals admitted to hospital.

Guardianship forms for use under the Mental Health Act
Guardianship forms (G1 to G10) for use in connection with placing an individual under guardianship or patients subject to a guardianship order, under the Mental Health Act 1983.

Miscellaneous forms for use under the Mental Health Act
Miscellaneous forms (M1 and M2) for use in connection with the Mental Health Act 1983.

Treatment forms for use under the Mental Health Act
Treatment forms (T1 to T6) for use in connection with patients detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, who are in receipt of treatment for a mental disorder.

Community treatment order (CTO) forms for use under the Mental Health Act
CTO forms (CTO1 to CTO12) for use in connection with placing an individual under a CTO or those already subject to this order under the Mental Health Act 1983.