OpCourage North – mental health support for veterans
Mental health support for veterans. A specialist service for ex-armed forces; veterans; families/carers and service personnel who are approaching discharge, to support and recognise the early signs of mental health problems

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OpCourage North Patient Information Leaflet
OpCourage North Poster
Information for Referrers
For veterans
Improved NHS veterans’ mental health services are available across England. If you are experiencing mental health difficulties, these services can provide a range of treatment and support regardless of when you left the armed forces. This includes recognising the early signs of mental health issues and providing access to early treatment and support, as well as treatment for complex mental health difficulties and psychological trauma. Patients can also be helped with employment, finance, reduction in substance misuse or other addictive behaviours, housing, and social support.
To access these services, you must meet the following criteria:
- be resident in England
- have served in the UK armed forces for a full day (or be a family member/carer who is experiencing difficulties relating to time and experiences of Military service)
- be registered with a GP practice in England or be willing to register with a GP
- be able to provide your military service number or another form of acceptable proof of eligibility.
If you meet these criteria, you can self-refer or request referral via a health care professional or service charity.
Once we receive your referral a qualified OpCourage clinician will assess your referral. You will then be offered a first appointment within one working day to determine an onward plan of care.
Appointments are available via telephone, video/online, or face to face.
Do you need help?
To find out more, speak to a health care professional or service charity or use the contact details below to get in contact with your local service.
The North of England region has a single point of contact for ease.
Regional Single point of contact:
Email: [email protected]
The phone line is operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
From 8am-8pm this will be directed to an OpCourage team member, out of hours this will be overseen by staff from Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (CNTW).
Once your case is allocated to a regional team the direct service contact details will be provided to you for continued contact and liaison.
For armed forces personnel approaching discharge
Armed forces personnel approaching discharge can now get treatment and support at NHS veterans’ mental health services across England and thereafter into their civilian life, whether this is months or years later. If you are experiencing mental health issues, these services can provide a range of treatment and support in close liaison with Defence Medical Services (DMS). This includes recognising the early signs of mental health issues and providing access to early treatment and support, as well as treatment for complex mental health difficulties and psychological trauma. Patients can also be helped with employment, finance, reduction in substance misuse or other addictive behaviours, housing, and social support.
To access these services whilst you are still in the armed forces, you must meet the following criteria:
- be a resident in England
- have an identified or diagnosed mental health illness / disorder; and
- have a discharge date from the Ministry of Defence (MOD) or be found to be unfit for continued military service by their medical board; or
- have been identified by the Departments of Community Mental Health as requiring follow on psychiatric care on discharge from the MOD; or
- have had their pre-release medical and been identified by their DMS GP as
requiring mental health transition support; or - have had a pre-release medical before they self-refer.
Once we receive your referral, you will be offered an initial assessment within two weeks and where appropriate a first clinical appointment two weeks thereafter. Appointments are available via telephone, video/online or face to face.
Do you need help?
To find out more, speak to your DMS GP or use the information below to get in contact with your local service.
Regional Single point of contact:
Tel: 0300 373 33 32
Email: [email protected]
Further information
Information on the service can be found on the Veteran and Armed forces healthcare pages of the NHS website.
www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/armed-forces-community/ -
Further information
Information on the service can be found on the Veteran and Armed forces healthcare pages of the NHS website.
www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/armed-forces-community/ -
Other services for veterans
Combat Stress, the UK’s leading charity for veterans’ mental health
If you have served or are currently serving in the UK Armed Forces, you can call the free Combat Stress’ 24-hour mental health helplines. A team of specially-trained professionals are available day and night to provide free confidential advice and support.
- Veterans and their families, friends and carers Tel: 0800 138 1619
- You can also text on 07537 173683and email [email protected]
- Standard charges may apply for texts, please check with your provider.
- Serving personnel and their families Tel: 0800 323 4444
Website: https://combatstress.org.uk/
MOD Military Mental Health Helpline (Combat Stress)
For serving personnel and their families.
A 24-hour helpline service for serving troops and their families. This helpline is operated by Combat Stress.Tel: 0800 323 4444 (24/7)
Royal British Legion (RBL)
The Royal British Legion helps members of the Royal Navy, British Army, Royal Air Force, veterans, and their families. Support starts after one day of service and continues through life, long after service is over for dependents and carers too.Tel: 0808 802 8080 (8am-8pm, 7 days a week)
Website: https://combatstress.org.uk/
The Samaritans are available around the clock – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. No matter what you’re going through, you can call. You don’t have to be suicidal.Tel: 116 123 for free, any time, on any phone
Website: https://www.samaritans.org/
SSAFA – The Armed Forces Charity
SSAFA provides practical, emotional, and financial support for those who serve or have served.Tel: 0800 260 6767 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday)
Website: https://www.ssafa.org.uk/
Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing.
All armed forces personnel, veterans, and their families (16+) also have free access.
Website: https://v2.togetherall.com
Op Restore: The Veterans Physical Health and Wellbeing Service
Op Restore is a service for anyone who has served at least one day in the UK Armed Forces and, as a result of their service, acquired a significant, lasting physical illness or injury. Op Restore will continue to accept only GP referrals; GPs can obtain a referral form by emailing [email protected]Op Restore uses a network of both civilian and military consultants, along with welfare support from military charities, to support a veteran’s health using a holistic approach. Whilst Op Restore cannot shorten NHS waiting times, it seeks to ensure the veteran ‘waits well’ and is seen by the most appropriate clinician for their needs.
Tel: 0808 802 8080
For more information: www.nhs.uk/armedforceshealth
Veterans UK
The MOD’s Veterans UK helpline can provide support with many issues including benefits, housing and welfare.Tel: 0808 191 4218 (8am-5pm, Monday to Friday)
Website: www.gov.uk/guidance/veterans-uk-contact-us
Veterans’ Gateway
The Veterans’ Gateway is a useful point of contact for whatever support you need. It’s available 24/7 and can signpost you to relevant services.Many of the team are veterans themselves so understand the issues people face after leaving the armed forces.
Tel: 0808 802 1212 (24/7)
Website: www.veteransgateway.org.uk
Walking with the Wounded
Walking with the wounded (WWTW) delivers employment, mental health, care coordination and volunteering programmes in collaboration with the NHS. WWTW’s purpose is to get those who served, and their families, whether mentally, socially, or physically wounded, back on their feet and making a positive contribution once more. We believe that those who served, deserve.Tel: 01263 863 900 (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday)
Website: https://walkingwiththewounded.org.uk/
Contact us
For more information about our service, contact OpCourage: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service on Tel: 0300 373 33 32 or email [email protected]
For further information on OpCourage: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service, visit www.nhs.uk/opcourage
For more information on NHS services for veterans, visit the NHS website at www.nhs.uk/armedforceshealth
For further information
Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service
visit www.nhs.uk/opcourage
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Published by the Patient Information Centre
2023 Copyright, Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust
Ref, UP/PIC/06203 June 2023 V1