Smarter Sleep

Resources which aim to help both patients and practitioners in taking positive steps towards better sleep management without using hypnotics.

Sleep is an essential process that our bodies and minds need in order to function. Strong associations have been found between poor sleep and poor physical and mental health. In a society with ever more 24-hour demands, it is becoming harder and harder to get a good quality and quantity of sleep. This can lead to sleep disruption and use of medication to help with sleep (hypnotics), but these medicines are not without side effects.

There is plenty that can be done through changing our understanding, behaviours and approach to sleep, that can improve the rest we get, without the need for medication. The Smarter Sleep resources below aim to help both patients and practitioners in taking positive steps towards better sleep management without using hypnotics.

The resources include: a link to a 9-minute overview video, a patient and staff ‘poster’ which covers a checklist of quick wins to help with sleep, a sleep diary to record your sleep pattern on, and a handbook for reference.

Overview video

Patient resources

Are you struggling with sleep?

Patient poster

Sleep diary

Practitioner resources

Helping a patient with poor sleep?

Staff poster

Sleep diary

The Sleep Handbook

Educational Interventions in Sleep Medicine