Alnwood – Medium Secure Children and Young People’s Inpatient Service (St Nicholas Hospital)

Alnwood provides medium secure inpatient assessment and treatment for young people up to 18 years who have complex mental health needs, including those with a learning disability.


Ashby is a seven-bed unit providing comprehensive assessment and treatment for young people aged 12-18 with complex mental health disorders and a requirement of a high level of supervision in a medium secure environment.
Telephone: 0191 245 6601


Lennox is a seven-bed unit providing comprehensive assessment and treatment for young people aged 12-18 with complex mild to moderate learning disability and a requirement of a high level of supervision in a medium secure environment.
Telephone:  0191 245 6866

How to get referred

Referrals are accepted from specialist mental health teams regionally, nationally and internationally. Informal enquiries are welcomed and advice can be given by telephone prior to referral.


0191 246 6900

0191 223 2235


Jubilee Road Gosforth Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 3XT

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