
The processes of grieving following a bereavement are a normal part of life. Abnormal or prolonged grief that has not responded to targeted interventions (severe and complex presentations).

Initial intervention from other Tier 1/2 services (Universal and Targeted services) prior to specialist CAMHS involvement

Targeted Services to provide support and intervention. eg. Child Bereavement UK.

Educational Psychology Services provide support for schools through critical incident support if needed and also provide training on this (ie. planning for) and on bereavement.

Can request a complex case consultation with specialist CAMHS.

Online Support

The Compassionate Friends Winston's Wish Child Bereavement UK NHS Inform

Service provided by Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service –Tier 3

If difficulties persist after a reasonable period of readjustment, and there are symptoms of trauma refer to specialist CAMHS for assessment and treatment of co-morbid mental health problem. Please see symptoms of trauma.