Enuresis and Faecal soiling

Enuresis: A disorder characterised by uncontrolled urinating, by day and/or by night, which is abnormal in relation to the child or young person’s developmental stage and which is not a consequence of a neurological disorder, epileptic attacks or to structural abnormality of the urinary tract.  In primary enuresis children have never acquired normal bladder control, whereas a child who acquires bladder control for at least 6 months and then loses it again is said to have secondary enuresis.

Faecal soiling: Repeated voluntary or involuntary passage of faeces, in places not appropriate for that purpose in the child’s own social cultural setting.  Soiling more than once a month after the age of 4 is generally regarded as an elimination disorder.

Initial intervention from other Tier 1/2 services (Universal and Targeted services) prior to specialist CAMHS involvement

Initial Physical Screen by the GP.

Early stage of presentation should be signposted to Health Visitor or School Nurse for intervention.

Referral to Paediatrics and via them to the Continence Nurse team.

Service provided by Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service –   Tier 3

Does not meet threshold for specialist services.