Hadrian (Kenneth Day Unit, Northgate Hospital) – CNTW282

Hadrian is a six bedded unit located in the Kenneth Day Unit (KDU), based at Northgate Hospital in Morpeth, Northumberland.

The ward provides the ongoing care and treatment for up to six men from the age of 18 years old. Hadrian is person-centred, providing an enabling environment which is psychologically, and trauma informed. Access to a broad range of professionals, from first point of contact will be available and will ensure recovery focused goals are achieved.

The unit has a range of multi-disciplinary team (MDT) professionals and identified staff who will support patients through their admission/transition process and during their inpatient stay on the ward. The MDT will work collectively and collaboratively with the patient and identified carers to ensure that there is clear engagement and communication. Patients will be able to participate in activities, group work and sports available at the Kenneth Day Unit. They will also be supported to be involved in recovery college courses.

Who is Hadrian for?

Hadrian is for men aged 18 years and over with a mental disorder which warrants detention in hospital under the Mental Health Act, or who present a serious risk of harm to others and require specialist risk management procedures. They may also present with risk to self.

Hadrian delivers structured interventions that are informed by evidence of what is helpful both in terms of reducing risk and improving social and psychological well-being in those with personality difficulties/disorders in addition to complex mental health difficulties including schizophrenia.

How to get referred

Referrals are accepted from specialist mental health teams only.  Please complete our referral form below.

Referral form


01670 394 282


Northgate Hospital Morpeth Northumberland NE61 3BP