The Triangle of Care

Triangle of Care principles translate across many different specialisms and fields in mental health. They are based upon the core principle that carers, people who use services and professionals should work in equal partnership to promote safety, support recovery and sustain wellbeing.

The original Triangle of Care guide was launched in July 2010 as a joint piece of work between The Princess Royal Trust for Carers (now Carers Trust) and the National Mental Health Development Unit.
The Triangle of Care encourages better recognition of carers as key partners in the planning and provision of mental health care. The introduction of Carers (Scotland) Act in April 2018 established new rights for all carers to support, information and advice, as well as to be listened to and involved in discharge planning.

Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust will work in partnership with carers to ensure we provide the best care for people who use our services, and to support the needs of the carers themselves.

The Triangle of Care Annual Report - August 2022

The Triangle of Care Annual Report - August 2021