Employment opportunities within NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies

Due to the size of the service, opportunities come up on a regular basis and all jobs are advertised on NHS Jobs and Indeed. If you are qualified to work in an NHS Talking Therapies service and are either looking to relocate to Cumbria or would be interested in working remotely with us, please feel free to get in touch at any point and we can advise on current vacancies or any potential future vacancies [email protected]

There are three main practitioner roles within NHS North Cumbria Talking Therapies:

High Intensity Practitioners provide cognitive-behavioural therapy for people with moderate to severe depression and anxiety disorders (e.g. PTSD, OCD, Panic Disorder, Health Anxiety, Phobias, Social Anxiety) and a small number in each locality provide EMDR for PTSD when appropriate.

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners are trained in CBT-informed approaches for people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression. These approaches include guided self-help and delivering psycho-educational groups.

Counsellors provide brief counselling and CBT-informed treatments in line with NICE guidelines. They provide counselling for depression (when people have not responded to, or prefer not to use a CBT approach) and work with anger and mild eating disorders

North Cumbria Talking Therapies case studies:

Read Chris' North Cumbria Talking Therapies case study Read Emma's North Cumbria Talking Therapies case study