
Psychosis is a symptom of a serious mental illness. A person experiencing psychosis loses touch with what is accepted as reality, they may feel paranoid, hallucinate, hear voices, or have delusions. It is associated with severe stress or depression, with a family history of serious mental illness and can be triggered by drug and/or alcohol use.

Following a bereavement, it is not unusual for children/ young people to see or hear the deceased and we would not consider this as psychosis.

People who develop psychosis usually have their first episode in their teens or early 20s.

Initial intervention from other Tier 1/2 services (Universal and Targeted services) prior to specialist CAMHS involvement

Professional concerned that a young person may be experiencing a psychosis can contact the Early intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Team or CAMHS duty worker for advice.

Young people with a first presentation of sustained psychotic symptoms, or symptoms causing severe distress, impacting on risk or associated with depression or manic symptoms can be referred to CAMHS and may have a joint assessment with EIP if over 14yrs of age.

If symptoms are following a bereavement:

Online Support 

NHS Self Help Guides Young Minds

Service provided by Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service –   Tier 3

Specialist CAMHS will aim to assess jointly with EIP and involve the CAMHS Psychiatrist. Working collaboratively, formulate a care and treatment plan as a result.

May be offered psychoeducation/ Behavioural Family Intervention (BFI)/ CBT.