Somatoform Disorder

Physical symptoms such as pain, nausea, tiredness, and dizziness that may be related to a psychological condition or a degree of uncertainty and which have an impact on the child’s normal functioning and/or development.

Initial intervention from other Tier 1/2 services (Universal and Targeted services) prior to specialist CAMHS involvement

Paediatric liaison via Acute General Paediatrics for exclusion of all possible physical causes.

Following exclusion of all physical causes young people may benefit from intervention from Children’s centres regarding emotional recognition and regulation eg. mood and feelings work or Decider Skills.

Following exclusion of all physical causes referral may be made to MyTime for interventions regarding anxiety.

Online Support

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Service provided by Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service –Tier 3

In severe cases Tier 3 would provide systemic support and formulation to the team around the child. In some of those cases individual psychological work and additional assessment eg. around trauma may be indicated.