Do you need an Independent Mental Health Advocate (IMHA)?
Sometimes it can be difficult for people to speak up for themselves. An advocate is somebody who can work with you to help you have your say about things.
Search our resources library for self help guides, patient information leaflets, mental health and wellbeing information that you may find useful.
Sometimes it can be difficult for people to speak up for themselves. An advocate is somebody who can work with you to help you have your say about things.
This leaflet provides information for people who are being help in hospital under section 2 of the Mental Health Act. There is information on how long you will be in hospital, what your rights to appeal are and what help you can receive from an independent mental health advocate.
This leaflet provides information for people who have been admitted to hospital under Section 3 of the Mental Health Act. It includes information about why you are in hospital, how long you will be there, what treatment you could be given and your rights to appeal.